Advanced WordPress Development Techniques for Pro Developers

Discover the process of using WordPress Frameworks, Themes and Plugins for professional developers. Acquire knowledge on modern approaches to improving your projects as well as how to develop complex websites.

Profit from refined aspects of WordPress Development in the seventh edition tailored for pro developers.

Discover Advanced WordPress Development Techniques as far as developing complicated, professional, and effective web sites is concerned.

WordPress, which started out as a mere blogging tool, has become one of the most flexible and highly used CMSs that are in use today, controlling over 30% of all websites.

This allows developers to create very strong web applications within the WordPress environment due to the flexibility and extensibility of the framework.

7 Advanced WordPress Development Techniques for Professionals

Here are some advanced WordPress development techniques for professional developers working with WordPress:

Advanced WordPress Development Techniques

#1. Custom Post types

  • Let’s expand the fundamental content types offered by WordPress by default, which are not posts or pages. For instance, you could create a “Product” post type when designing a website that sells goods online.
  • Custom post types are similar to posts and pages but have their own properties. In addition to the basic settings like a title, content, publish date, author, etc., they let you create your own fields and actions.
  •  For this purpose, WordPress has the register_post_type() function that you need to use to register a custom post type. This enables you to set label, support, and admin interface options, among other things, for the post type.
  • They include products, staff profiles, property sales, car sales, portfolios, testimonials, and any other site structures that do not conform to conventional posts or page formats.

#2. Custom Taxonomies:

  • Enable you to sort your specific post types and put them into definite classes.
  •  For instance, you might need to sort products by type, by brand, by department store, etc.
  •  Categories and tags most closely resemble taxonomies because they have similar functions. However, they are more flexible and come in handy when working with post types.
  •  To register a taxonomy, you use the register_taxonomy() function The taxonomy array contains a field that defines how your taxonomy handles the post type that you are registering with. This enables you to set labels, the hierarchal environment, the administrative interface and much more.
  •  As for the taxonomies, we can link them to the post types with the help of the “taxonomies” parameter in the register_post_type() function.

#3. Custom Fields and Settings

It is a feature that enables you to add more fields for any post type, users, terms, etc. than WordPress by default. Plugins such as Advanced Custom Fields stand out as some of the most commonly used plugins to design custom fields through a UI.

The Settings API enables the development of the admin screens, which have assorted settings fields for managing configurations for the site and the plugins.

This is because, rather than jamming elaborate details into custom fields, storing custom structured data is optimal when done through custom database tables.

#4. Front-end Frameworks

WordPress can then be used with front-end frameworks such as React, Vue or Angular to create fully interactive front-ends and single-page applications.

These front-end frameworks can then integrate to and present WordPress content through the WordPress REST API. The REST API, which pulls WordPress data into a JavaScript frontend, is what powers the fully isolated WordPress sites.

In particular, headless CMS solutions like WordPress can serve CMS capabilities on the back-end while the front-end is built based on JavaScript frameworks.

As these technologies could be rather disjointed, their integration is not that easy, but it enables you to extend the usage of WordPress’s CMS capabilities on the most up-to-date front-end frameworks with more freedom in terms of UX.

#5. Cache the results for expensive queries

Apply caching to complex queries that involve joining more than one table or taxonomy to enhance the speed of the process. That is where plugins like Transient API can be a great help.

Optimize meta queries

When querying by custom fields, use compare operators like EXISTS, NOT EXISTS to simply return post IDs instead of the full objects. This is best used when dealing with complex queries that involve operators like ‘NOT IN’.

Custom Query using $wpdb

In some unique scenarios, if you need to write your raw SQL and work with WP_Query, then $wpdb can be used. This permits more intricate SQL functionality.

Pagination and querying in blocks

When working with really mammoth record sets, it is recommended to use pagination or query in chunks to avert timeouts or exceeding memory. Pageing should be done using paged, posts_per_page and offset parameters.

WP_Conditional and WP_Query_Filters

Use of conditional tags like is_main_query() and filters like the_posts to change the queries on the fly before they run.

#6. Object-Oriented Programming

Employ classes, namespaces, and autocompletion to write PHP code in the PHP standard and keep it well structured.

When developing object-oriented themes and plugins for WordPress, benefit from such language constructs as classes, interfaces, namespaces, and Integrated Development Environment (IDE) features, including autocompletion.

Make sure the code adheres to PHP Standards Recommendations (PSR) standards.

#7. Built-in Developer Tools

Debug Mode and wp-config.php

As a first step, you need to turn on Debug mode by setting WP_DEBUG to true in your wp-config.php file. This will bring up messages, alerts, and error messages that help solve problems that appear in the code.

Query Monitor Plugin

Query Monitor is a useful plugin which enables to monitor database queries, hooks, conditionals, http requests, and any other process that takes place on page load. It gives information on performance and can signify problems.

JavaScript Console

Make the console visible in order to check for any front-end JavaScript errors on the browser. This is very useful when troubleshooting JS-related problems in themes and plugins.

Rewrite API

Using the Rewrite API in WordPress, it is possible to define new URLs and endpoints without using any actual route. This allows for the construction of customized views while keeping the URLs as pure as possible.

Function Reference

Confine yourself with the documentation on functions, hooks, classes, APIs, etc. in the WordPress Codex when developing.

These built-in tools and features make working with themes and plugins easier by offering helpful debugging tools, APIs, and glimpses into the WP internal structure.


These are the best practices to follow for advanced WordPress development that will create strong and stable solutions for clients. Enhance your abilities and bolster your development expertise in the versatile environment of WordPress.

Sandy Darek
Sandy Darek
I am a blogger and WordPress developer. I blog about Development Technologies. Feel free to contact me for custom WP development, link building, and blog outreach services.

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